Pedophilia in television isn’t new. Dawson’s Creek did it in the 90s . Degrassi did it too. It’s why I jumped ship in Glee. Riverdale ruined Ms. Grundy’s name in favor of, what, a half season of drama and a misdirection in season one’s trailer? Now we’ve got Stranger Things playing up the relationship between Karen and Billy.
There’s one thing all these relationships (except Degrassi, god bless Canada?) have in common: they’re all a female adult with a male teenager. Technically on Dawson’s Creek Joey dated her college professor, which was ‘legally’ allowed. I saw a post about Stranger Things and it was like “imagine if Steve Harrington’s dad were lusting after Nancy we’d be grossed out” and they’re right and they should say it.
A few points about this scenario:
1. I’m calling out Stranger Things because pedophilia isn’t just included. Season three’s first “teaser”, not teaser TRAILER, was a scene of moms lusting after Billy at the public pool. Cast and crew alike “can’t wait” for us to see this. I doubt it’ll be one tiny sideline story. WHY??????
2. In the 80s Stay at Home Moms were the norm and Dads at the pool would seem inaccurate. So the *natural* scene is moms at the poolside. Fine, for historical accuracy, me of five seconds ago, I will accept this argument. But it’s been >30 years since then and we should have something smarter to say/do. Which leads me to —
3. Yes this “happens” in “real life”. But often in fiction these relationships punish the woman, whether she’s younger OR older. If she’s younger, she loses out on grades (Joey) or reputation (Paige). Older, and she’s taken to court, chased out of town (Dawson’s Creek), attacked (Shameless) or straight up murdered (Riverdale). I can only think of one situation where the woman “wins”. In Boy Meets World Topanga gets hit on by her young, hip prof. and he’s eventually fired.
I AM NOT DEFENDING PEDOPHILIA. I’m pointing out that when we tell these STORIES, typically written by men, they punish women for the same behavior men AIM for. Consider Hugh Hefner for a half a second and try to say I’m wrong.
4. If Karen *connects* with Billy, I hope she realizes its FUCKED UP. Women can be messy. They can make mistakes. We’ve allowed men to do that shit for the entirety of recorded history. So let Karen trip. But let her realize that marrying Ted does not mean she’s wasted her life.
If we aren’t rooting for Karen because she’s become a messy woman thanks to Ted and his chicken and his apathy, I’m going to throw a grenade. But I doubt that’s where this is going. The marketing leans in a specific way and I’m skeptical at best. (see point 1)
4. Don’t bother with “maybe he’s eighteen”. That plays into the same gross narrative of waiting until a minor is “legal”.